VERTual Event Wrap-Up
The end of last month marked the end of the UTS VERTual event challenge! It’s been great to see those entered out enjoying this unique challenge, with many opting to complete the challenge on the new UTS routes during what would’ve been event weekend, after the event was sadly cancelled for 2020.
Only three runners managed to finish the 165 challenge. In addition to the ‘Buff’ and certificate, they will also receive a limited-edition 3D printed goat mascot, designed and made by Senior Event Team member Rich, AKA Designreal.
Congratulations to UTS 165 goats: Becky Wightman, Balazs Pinter and Martin Rouse! Full results from the event can now be found HERE.
The standout performance of the event was from Balazs, who managed to accumulate the necessary distance and vertical gain in a cumulative time of 46:37:22, over two long runs in and around the coastal town of Aberystwyth in mid Wales. This no doubt took some creative thinking and a robust mindset to cope with such monotony! You can see his first run (70.3km & 5320m+) HERE and second run (100.3km & 4726m+) HERE. Well done Balazs, you’ve bagged yourself the grand prize of a five-day trail running holiday with Ultimate Trail Adventures!
All other event completers will soon receive a lovely hand-signed certificate, featuring the above goat illustration by Cajsa Holgersson. All entrants, including non-completers will receive the event ‘Buff’ soon too. We hope you wear them with pride this Autumn! The last few remaining limited edition ‘Buffs’ will be available to purchase online from the shop soon too, if you think you’d really like one!
I’ll admit, I was hoping this event would see a lot more entries, perhaps 200-300. Maybe the format was too complex or difficult to achieve, the entry fee was too high, or there wasn’t the desire to partake while UTS was still being promoted as going ahead in September.
We committed to donating 10% of each entry fee (£29) to charity. For 43 entries, this only equates to £125, but we’ve decided to bump this up to offer a £500 donation to the Snowdonia Society. We’ve seen first-hand how busy the National Park has been since the lockdown restrictions eased and the challenges this has presented, including an increase in trail litter, which their member have been doing a sterling job of collecting during several recent volunteer days.
We hope this goes some way to helping this valuable charity continue their local conservation activities and we remind runners that members of the Society are eligible for a 15% discount on any APEX Running event entry. Read more about this in the recent news item HERE. Also, for all relevant events, you can now forgo your event T-shirt for an equal-value donation to the Society.
Many thanks again to everyone who took part in this unique event! If you’re on the hunt for your next virtual challenge, details of the upcoming Snowdon VK & Copper Trail Strava segment challenges will be online later this week, so stay tuned!
Michael Jones - APEX Running Race Director