UTS 2020: Postponed
Dear APEX Runner,
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the decision has been made to postpone the third edition of Ultra-Trail® Snowdonia to the weekend of 18-20th September 2020.
I’m well aware that the new date is in close proximity to big events such as UTMB and UTMR and also clashes with the likes of Tor des Geants, the Cumbria Way Ultra, Skyline Scotland, etc., whilst also being a week or so either side of various other events. Ultimately, I’m very limited in what weekend I can choose due to many other events now being held in Llanberis from September onwards.
Postponing to any later in the year would also be doing the event a severe injustice with the increased risk and associated danger of lower temperatures, poorer weather and decreased daylight. I accept that I am likely to see a downturn in participation at UTS this year and so must act in my own best interests to ensure that my events will exist next year.
Therefore, if you’re certain you cannot attend UTS this year, I’m happy to offer a 70% refund if you get in touch to let me know by the end of this month. After this date, the standard refund policy of 50% shall be reinstated for those who cannot make the event for whatever reason. If you’d like to take advantage of this offer, please email me directly: mike@apexrunning.co
If you’ve recently read Ian Corless’ article HERE, you’ll know something of the struggle many small Race Directors are facing. In light of this, if you would like to ‘donate’ some, or all of your entry fee, please let me know via email. It will certainly be greatly appreciated.
It is true that there is no guarantee that UK and Welsh government guidelines will permit UTS to go ahead on the new date. However, in light of the fact that major sporting events like Le Tour de France have now been postponed to start in late August, I bear some optimism that a small scale, outdoor event like UTS can go ahead as planned. There could well be ongoing social distancing guidelines that need to be adhered to, which can be easily implemented.
I have never offered deferrals for any of my events for several reasons. Entry fees for 2021 are likely to be revised to reflect the new distances and whatever economic circumstances that may arise from this situation, so this is unfeasible. There is also the potential for some exciting new developments for the event, which would significantly raise its profile internationally. Also, as per the standard refund procedure, if you can find someone to replace your entry, a full refund may be offered.
It’s also worth noting that due to the timing of my business’ growth, I’m eligible for almost no support from the government's various new business support schemes. Regrettably I have also just lost a significant prize pool sponsorship agreement with Joe Brown Shops that was in place for this year’s UTS, so now find myself very much in a financial damage limitation scenario to keep afloat.
As per the event website and following a poll in the Facebook group (even split for/against new route implementation this year), runners will notice that all routes have now been revised for the September event, with UTS 50 growing to the new 100km race and now offering 5 UTMB points: quite unique for the UK! These changes were planned for 2021 onwards and a detailed article covering these stunning new routes and why they’re far superior to their predecessors will be posted in the coming weeks.
If after studying the new routes you’d like to change distance - no problem! The usual conditions apply: If you’d like to move up or down in distance please enter the new race as usual and let me know. I’ll then cancel your previous entry and issue a refund for the previous entry fee, minus a £10 administration charge.
I look forward to sharing more info about the new routes soon and hope to see you in Snowdonia in September!
Michael Jones - Ultra-Trail® Snowdonia Race Director